An Important Update On Kuda Cards

We’re upgrading our card services.

Kuda App
Apr 16, 2021
Every detail of this message matters.

For some time now, our card-issuing partner has had an extended downtime which has now stopped card services completely.

We’re doing all we can to support our partner as they fix the downtime but we’re also working to take full control of card production and management by July.

In the meantime, we have turned off all existing Kuda Cards and paused requests for new cards.


We know how inconvenient this is, so to make things a little easier we will send everyone 25 extra free transfers in May and June.

We will also provide at least one alternative payment channel in the coming weeks.

Please, look out for more information about cards as we make progress with permanently fixing the situation.

Take care. 💜



Kuda App
Kuda App

Written by Kuda App

We’re the money app for Africans.

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